Collaboration Milestone achieved to enable DEL for Membrane Proteins
The two biotech companies report that they have successfully screened and identified several small molecule compounds that bind to a challenging membrane protein drug target.
Stockholm, Sweden and Dresden, Germany, May 9, 2023 – Salipro Biotech AB and DyNAbind GmbH, two leading biotech companies, announced today the achievement of a key milestone from their collaboration aimed to revolutionize drug discovery against difficult-to-drug targets. The collaboration combines the benefits of Salipro Biotech’s proprietary platform technology for membrane proteins with DyNAbind’s proprietary DNA-Encoded Library (DEL) technology to accelerate the development of novel drugs for challenging targets.
Membrane proteins like GPCRs, SLC transporters and Ion Channels are an important but difficult-to-drug class of drug targets representing the majority of targets in the pharmaceutical industry. However, they are inherently unstable and complex to investigate, making drug discovery a tricky process. This collaboration set up a comprehensive discovery process to address this and expand the target space to enable pharma partners to develop novel first-in-class medicines.
The companies are delighted to announce that they have successfully screened and identified several small molecule compounds that bind to a difficult membrane protein target. Binding has been confirmed via surface plasmon resonance, marking a crucial milestone in the drug discovery process. This development opens up entirely new possibilities for the development of novel drugs against challenging targets such as GPCRs and Ion Channels.
Jens Frauenfeld, CEO of Salipro Biotech, said, “We are excited about this milestone in our collaboration with DyNAbind. Our Salipro® platform technology for membrane proteins combined with DyNAbind’s Dynamic Library technology has opened up new avenues for drug discovery against challenging targets. This marks a significant step towards making the undruggable druggable.”
Michael Thompson, CEO of DyNAbind, added, “Membrane proteins represent a major challenge in drug discovery, so we’re thrilled to demonstrate our progress in drugging these targets. Our Dynamic Library technology, combined with Salipro Biotech’s expertise in making membrane proteins more accessible, has allowed us to make substantial progress in the discovery of novel drugs against these important targets.”
This collaboration represents a significant development in the field of DEL and membrane proteins, showcasing the potential for cutting-edge technologies to transform drug discovery. The results demonstrate the potential for the development of novel drugs against challenging targets and will pave the way for future innovations in this field.
About Salipro Biotech AB
Salipro Biotech AB is a privately held biotech company focused on unlocking challenging drug targets for the development of next-generation therapeutics. The company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden with a fully owned IP portfolio that covers the Salipro® platform technology for the stabilization of membrane proteins.
The majority of drug targets are so-called membrane proteins; however, these targets are inherently unstable and challenging to investigate. The proprietary Salipro® technology stabilizes membrane proteins in their native forms, enabling them to be employed in drug discovery programs for therapeutic antibodies, small molecule drugs and structure-based drug design.
To date, Salipro Biotech has signed multiple research collaborations with top-tier pharma and biotech companies. Through in-house and partnered pipelines, Salipro Biotech AB accelerates the discovery of novel drugs.
About DyNAbind GmbH
DyNAbind GmbH is a privately held company based in Dresden, Germany, offering a next-generation platform of DNA-Encoded Library (DEL) technologies for drug discovery and optimization. Unlike most DEL providers which continue to rely on the original, split-and-combine approach from 1991, DyNAbind has modernized the technology to meet the challenges of today’s contemporary drug targets. By combining our Dynamic Library system with a patented software solution for better data analysis, we offer unique access to new binding modalities against even classically ‘undruggable’ targets, further supported by clean datasets ready for integration with AI and ML approaches.
Press contact:
Salipro Biotech AB
Maria Lisa Knudsen
Business Development Director
+46 (0)72 939 5018
DyNAbind GmbH
Nadine Schmieder-Galfe
Director of Operations
+49 (0)351 7999 2923
For more information, please visit: https://www.salipro.com | https://www.dynabind.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/salipro-biotech | https://www.linkedin.com/company/dynabind
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