New research publication!
We are happy to present our research collaboration results with the Yixin Zhang lab of BCUBE at TU Dresden, which were recently published in Nature Communications. There, we introduce a significant achievement in the field of chemical library construction using a new self-assembled DNA-encoded chemical library (DEL) method.
The split-and-pool method has been widely used for synthesizing chemical libraries of a large size, but with no meaningful quality control. However, the new T-DEL method developed in this study allows for the creation of an m x l x n-member library through assembling three pre-purified and validated sub-libraries, allowing for much improved quality control measures. This approach has already demonstrated its potential for linker optimization and de novo selections against various targets. This achievement marks a major advancement in the field and offers exciting new possibilities for drug discovery.
For the full publication, please visit: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37071-1